Once you are logged in to the web client, you will be presented with the Share List by default. This menu lists all the shares that you have access to, and this is where you can work with your files uploaded to the RushFiles cloud. You can access the Share list in the web client by clicking on Share list in the left menu.
In this article:
1.a Share options menu explained
2. How do I work with folders and files inside my shares?
2.a The folder options menu explained
2.b The file options menu explained
2.d Multiple selection for files/folders
3. How do I invite other users to my share?
3.a Can I invite users to only specific files/folders on my share?
1) How do I work with shares?
If you are on a different page, click on Share list in the left menu. You will see all the shares you have access to (Name), along with who has access to them (Shared with), and which company they belong to (Account).
If you want to create a share, click on the New Share option. A dialog opens, where you can set the name, and type of the Share. When you are done, click on Save. You will notice that you are taken directly to the Edit share menu. We will look at this menu later in this article. Now, click on Share list in the left menu again.

1.a) The Share options menu explained
Click on the row of one of the shares in the Share List to see the Share options menu for that share. The selected share's row will be highlighted with a different color when you do so, and the Share options menu will be shown next to the search bar.
Edit share brings up the Edit share window.
Remove me from share removes your user from that share, so you will not see it anymore.
Delete deletes the share. You can only do this if you are the owner of the share, or administrator of the company.
Storage shows you the amount of data stored in the share. If you hover your cursor over the little info icons, you can see what they mean.

2) How do I work with folders and files inside my shares?
In the Share list menu, click on the name of one of your shares. This will show you the folders and files stored in that share. The menu changes slightly, giving you some more options.
You can create a folder by pressing Create Folder. When you click it, a dialog window pop-up where you can set the name of the Share. When you are done naming it, press Save.
Refresh will refresh your view, so you can see remote changes more quickly.
Select all will select all the files and folders on the current page.
Deleted Files will show you all the files under the current path that have been deleted and can be recovered.
You can see 100 entries per page by default. You can change it by clicking on 100 entries. Possible values are 10, 25, 50, and 100.

2.a) The folder options menu explained
Download downloads the folder with all its content and the folder structure intact to your machine.
Create public link creates a public link to the folder.
Move moves your folder with all its content and the folder structure intact to a different path on the same share
Copy copies your folder with all its content and the folder structure intact to a different path on any share where you have write rights.
Rename renames your folder.
Delete deletes your folder.
Clicking on a folder's name enters that folder.
2.b) The file options menu explained
Click on the row of a file to bring up the file options menu. Notice that all the options available to folders are available to files as well. There are a few operations that are exclusive to files however, and these are highlighted in the image below.
Preview shows you a preview of the file. The preview will open in a new tab. You can also download the file in preview mode, by pressing the download icon in the top-right corner. If your company has Office Online integration enabled, you can even edit Office files in preview mode by clicking Edit in browser.
The preview functionality is limited to files with a maximum size of 19 MB. Files larger than this cannot be previewed.
Lock file locks the file. While a file is locked, only the user that locked the file will be able to make changes to it. Other users will be forced make a copy of the file if they attempt to edit it. A locked file will have a small lock overlay on their icon. To unlock it, choose the file again, and click the same icon. Only the user that locked the file, or a company administrator is able to unlock it.
History shows you what operations happened to the file since it was uploaded to RushFiles. You can even recover earlier versions by selecting the right version, and clicking Start recovery.
Your recovered version will not overwrite the current version. Instead, you will get copies with "(recover <time of recovery in GMT>)" attached to the file name.

2.c) The Deleted Files option
If you click on Deleted Files option, you will see all the files and folders that have been deleted in the folder, along with the date and time of the deletion. These files will have a little trashcan icon overlay that shows they are deleted.
To recover a deleted file, select it, and click on Undelete. A dialog will appear, where you need to confirm the recovery of the version.
To permanently delete a file, select it, and click on Delete permanently. Again, you will need to confirm this operation in the newly appeared dialog.
Click on Deleted Files again to leave the deleted files view.

2.d) Multiple Selection for files/folders
To make working in the web client easier, you can select multiple files and folders at once. Press and hold down the Shift key, and click on the files/folders you want to select. Release the shift key when you are done with the selection.

2.e) The search function
You can find your files easier with the search function. Click on the search bar and start typing your query. Relevant files will be filtered automatically as you type the query.
The search function looks up all the attributes of files/folders you can see in the current folder - searching does not extend to subfolders.
These are: File Name, Date, and Size.
Example: I want to search for a file, but don't remember its name. I know it was last edited on April 4th, 2019. I start typing 04-04-2019 , and I see less and less files as irrelevant ones are continuously filtered out. In the end, I only see files that were last edited on the date I've queried.

3) How do I invite other users to my share?
You can do that by going to the Share List, and right-clicking the share you want to invite users to. Choose Edit Share, this will bring you to another menu.
With the button in the Users section, you can invite users that are already part of your company.
With the button in the Groups section, you can invite user groups that were made on your company.
With the Invite users button, you can invite users that are not yet users on your company.

3.a) Can I invite users to only specific files/folders on my share?
Yes, you can do that by sharing the folder as a sub-folder share. This will make it visible among "normal" shares in the Share List menu. Here, you can invite users to it the same way you do for a "normal" share.
To share your folder, navigate to the folder, right-click it, and select Share folder as. Type in a name for this share, or use the default one. Click Save when you are done with naming it. Now, you can access the sub-folder share either directly from the Share List menu, or from inside the folder structure.