If you are an admin user of a company, you automatically have access to the Company Administrator Dashboard in the web client. Simply log in to the web client with your administrator credentials, and you'll see the options under Administration in the left menu.
As the name implies, this dashboard gives you control over the users, shares, and settings of your company.
Here's an overview of what you can do in each menu:
✔ Account lets you change company-wide settings such as 2FA settings, the mail language, Office Online integration, file history settings, etc.
✔ Share lets you manage user access and rights to shares.
✔ Group lets you create and manage user groups.
✔ User lets you create and manage users.
✔ Settings allows you to manage your company's email settings, templates, and to see the mail log.
✔ Design (Skinning) allows you to reskin the web-client under a subdomain if your reseller allows it.
✔ Reports gives you an overview of user activity based on different criteria.
✔ Restore history helps you recover your files that were encrypted by ransomware.