What is the Web Client?
The web client is a web application where you can log in with your RushFiles credentials. It allows you to access your files from anywhere without installing anything on your device. When you are created as a user for the first time, you will use this client to set up your password. You can also request a password reset here in case you've forgotten it or need to set up a new one.
The web client is also the place where you can manage your profile, such as changing your Name, Phone Number, Title, or set up 2FA login. These can be done in the Profile menu.

The web client on iOS 12 and macOS 10.14 using Safari is not supported.
How can I reach the web client?
Your RushFiles reseller has provided you with the web address needed to access the web client. If you need help finding it, contact your RushFiles reseller. You will need to log in with your email and password before you gain access to your files.
What can I do with the web client?
As an Internal or External user, the exact functionality depends on the policies your Company Administrator has set up.
By default, you can:
✔ Create and edit Shares.
✔ Invite users to shares either from inside, or outside the company account.
✔ Access and edit your profile information.
✔ Review devices used to log in with your account and block devices.
✔ Download a desktop client that matches your operating system (Windows or MacOS).
✔ Use advanced features and more.
Once you've logged in, you will be presented with the Share List menu. This is where you can upload, download, and work with your files within the Shares that have been shared with you. Ignore this for now, and let's look at the top menu.
Why is the Web Client 3.0 in Beta?
We believe that your data should be easy to access—and we want it to be convenient and intuitive. That's why we've created Web Client 3.0 so that you can interact with your files with improved workflow.
This Web Client 3.0 is currently in an early version or beta with most of the major features but is still undergoing rigorous development.
Can I switch back to the Old Web Client?
Yes, definitely! Web Client 3.0 allows Partners & End-Users to switch back to the Old Web Client in just a few clicks.
See our help article: [Web Client 3.0] How do I Switch to Old Web Client?
Are there any additional features implemented to the Web Client 3.0?
Yes! We have implemented Advanced Features so our Resellers and Companies can utilize the web client to control its environment more.
What are Advanced Features?
Advanced Features are components of the RushFiles service that provide value in excess of the RushFiles Basic and Primary Features to the end user and are offered at no charge to the Partner's End-User under an Agreement.
Advanced Features are available on all installations for the New Web Client Beta duration. After the Beta period, you may continue using them depending on your reseller contract. More information will follow as the Beta period progresses.
This bundle of features includes the following:
✔ Advanced Public Link Settings
✔ Device Management
✔ IP Whitelisting.
Advanced Features can be enabled/disabled for each individual Company in the Reseller platform by the Reseller Administrator. A new section will be added to the Edit Account page called Advanced Features. Advanced Public Link Settings, Device Management, and IP Whitelisting will all be grouped under this section and will be controlled by a single toggle, acting as a feature bundle. Here, the Reseller Administrator can Enable/Disable the feature bundle for the Company. By default, the feature will be disabled.
If you have any questions or concerns about this feature, please do not hesitate to reach out via our helpdesk support.
RushFiles Team